Sunday, July 29, 2012

How it all began.

      Cory and I have been married for almost ten years. So, we have been together long enough that I know his moves and not much surprises me anymore. He had traveled to Forth Worth, Texas for a meeting with all of the managers in his company and after a few drinks, he just happened to mention that he would open an office in Charlotte, North Carolina. This whole conversation is typical of my hubs. What was most surprising was that a week later, in early November, the CEO of Cory's company called him and said, "So, when are you moving to Charlotte?" 
     Well, to make a long story short, I agreed to move. Cory has been asked to transfer many times before and I had always said no. If the opportunities weren't right, then I wasn't going to risk moving. Does that make me stodgy? Maybe, but I was only going to move for the right reasons, and when Charlotte came around, there wasn't something we could could down. More money, more opportunity, and the chance to have growth and change were tantalizing and we couldn't wait to get going! Also, it wasn't like Cory could tell his CEO no. 
     The day after Christmas, the company sent us out on an exploratory trip to Charlotte to check it out and look for areas for an office and a home. His cousin, wife and kids live in a affluent Charlotte neighborhood , so we were able to stay with them and have daily driving tours. One week in the Queen's City and we were HOOKED.
     Six months later, we sat on the floor in our empty house. All that was left was saying goodbye.